Kamis, 31 Desember 2009


Hummingbird (from TwitAddict and Mesabi Labs) is a Twitter automation tool that allows you to manage and grow your Twitter ‘following’ (as its called) in a very efficient way. Actively growing and managing your Twitter account is a critical part of getting the most out of Twitter for your business. Seeding and growing your list of followers with active Twitter participants within your industry niche is essential for success. Hummingbird is one of the best Twitter third party applications available to do just that. As a desktop application, Hummingbird can automate much of the heavy lifting required in building and managing your Twitter following.

Here are just a few of the things that Hummingbird offers:

1. Gives you the ability to reach thousands of highly targeted followers and prospective customers, hands free
2. Powerful automated following engine that can help you quickly build your Twitter following and authority in your specific niche
3. Automatically pauses when you’ve hit Twitter’s follow limits, keeping you notified & safe from following too many people at one time (which can get your account suspended by Twitter)
4. Automates the follow and unfollow process for you – saving you a ton of time.

source : sellitontheweb.com


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